joi, 31 iulie 2008


Lucruri simple... O alta dupa-amiaza insorita, mult verde si o creatura simpatica. Billy!

Simple things... Another sunny afternoon, a lot of green going on and a cute creature. Billy!

miercuri, 30 iulie 2008


Lucruri simple... O dupa-amiaza insorita, un lan de floarea-soarelui si doua prietene dragi...

Simple things... A sunny afternoon, sunflowers and a couple of friends...

joi, 24 iulie 2008


Am blogul deschis de mai bine de un an. N-am postat nimic. L-am dat uitarii pentru ceva timp, dar astazi m-am hotarat sa schimb ceva. Nu doar la blogul prafuit, ci si la mine. Inside&out. Cat ma voi tine de treaba, asta chiar n-as putea sti. Dar speranta moare intotdeauna ultima...Asa se zice. Eu cred ca de fapt nu moare deloc. Luminita e intotdeauna la capatul tunelului.

For Kim, my dearest friend, a person who touched my heart and changed my life...

I've had this blog for more than a year. I haven't written anything. I totally forgot about it, but today i decided to change something. Not only about the dusty blog, but also about me. Inside&out. I really don't know how long this will last. But hope is the last to die...Or so they say. I think hope never dies. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.